
We're Your Partner in Your Success

We are a specialist manufacturer of all kinds of plastics scrap grinders and agglomerators. Three-decade experience in world-class grinder manufacturing. Jaydeep Machinery Pvt. Ltd. is one of the largest scrap grinder manufacturer and supplier of India. We belives in quality so our machine design in such a way thatyou get lower or no maintenance cost with long-lasting life with the support from our qualified team. We located in Junagadh, Gujarat, India. Scarp Grinding Machine used to grind & cut rejected articles of plastics to use in the reconstruction process to produce new plastic products like bags, toys, pipes, etc. Our grinders always developed under highly qualified staff with quality alloy steel body structures and well design wear-resistant alloy steel cutting blades with a long-lasting life.

Director’s message
We are extremely delighted to introduceyou to jaydeep Machinery Pvt. Ltd. Our new unit that previously known as Jaydeep Engineering. Our business is shaped by our core values and strategies. Where in we strive to uphold the competence and excellence in our work by given equal importance to our diverse talent, client and business eco-system. We at, Jaydeep Machinery Pvt. Ltd. are focused on addressing the needs of our customers through a sustainable, efficient, reliable and economic solution of a wide range of products. We personally believe that this is one of the best technical enhancement in the industries. We are committed to our customer satisfaction by identifying their specific needs, translating them into quality products and providing support after sales & service.

We would like to see our company as one
stop solution for grinding and shredding.

Innovation Efficiency
Reliability Honesty Loyalty